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Our Lease/Finance Calculator will help you to estimate your monthly payment for the financed or leased asset.

نوع الأصل

إجمالي ثمن الأصل

الدفعة الأولى

المدة بالأشهر

إجمالي مبلغ القرض

قيمة القسط الشهري التقريبية


The estimated monthly payment herein is for Indicative purpose and and do not represent an official quotation or offer. This does not represent any liability or commitment to enter into any financing arrangements on the part of the Comprehensive Leasing Company. Any such commitment is conditional upon securing all our requisite internal credit and legal approvals.

Comprehensive Leasing Company

Working Hours:

Sunday - Thursday from 08:30am - 5:30pm

Phone: 0096265822110


Comprehensive Leasing Company is a leading company in the field of leasing in Jordan, providing a wide range of financing services (ending with ownership) directed to the individuals, corporates and small and medium enterprise sectors.

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