Dear Shareholders,
The Board of Directors of the Comprehensive Leasing Company cordially invites you to attend the company’s Ordinary General Assembly Meeting which will be held at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday 12-02-2025 through visual and electronic media communication using Zoom application, to discuss the following matters:
1. Reciting the minutes of the previous ordinary meeting of the General Assembly which was held on 08-02-2024.
2. Vote on and approve the Board of Directors’ Report on the company’s activities for the year 2024 along with its future plans for the year 2025.
3. Vote on and approve the Company’s Auditors Report of the on its financial statements for the year ended 31- 12-2024.
4. Vote on and approve the company financial statements for the year ended 31-12-2024.
5. Vote on and approve the Board of Directors recommendation for distributing cash dividends of (16%) to the shareholders.
6. Discharging the Board’s members from their liabilities in respect of the financial year ended 31-12-2024.
7. Electing the Company’s auditors for the year 2024, and deciding their remunerations, or authorizing the Board of Directors to determine it.
1. The meeting link:
2. Meeting Attachments link:
A· The Financial Statements and the Auditors’ Report for the year ending 12/31/2024.
FS2024 AR.
3. Link to the Announcement and the Power of attorney slips
In accordance with the defense orders and regulations issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Companies Control Department, please send the Power of attorney slips two days before the meeting to the e-mail below.
Questions: Please send all inquiries to the e-mail below two days before the meeting, as in accordance with the defense orders and regulations issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Companies Control Department, inquiries or questions during the meeting will not be allowed except for those whose shares exceed 10% of the company’s capital.
Email: shareholders@c-leasing.com
Chairman of Board of Directors
George Abu Khader